Jeff Romeril
Jeff, a B777 Check Captain with Air New Zealand, has over the years utilised much of his spare time volunteering or representing organisations for the benefit of their members and the public on maritime matters.
Firstly as a volunteer crewman on the then private boats used for rescue for the Auckland Coast Guard from 1985-1991. Serving as a volunteer helper for the Furuno fishing contest led to his involvement in fishing administration matters as the contest and Warkworth Gamefish Club shared facilities at Kawau Island. Jeff was President of the Warkworth Gamefish Club from 1993 to 2000. It was as a club representative that Jeff became involved with the NZ Sport Fishing Council (NZSFC) and eventually appointed as President of that organisation in 1999 and held that till 2007.
Jeff was awarded life membership of the NZSFC in 2006 and also was appointed a New Zealand representative for the International Game Fish Association (IGFA) in 2006. Jeff was accepted as a trustee of the New Zealand Marine Research Foundation in 2003 and became chairman in 2006.
Richard Baker
Richard is your typical good, keen Kiwi family man with fishing in his DNA. He was introduced to fishing by his father at the age of four, fishing off a wharf in Port Charles, Coromandel, and has never looked back. Onehunga Wharf and Mangere Bridge were favorites in his youth, then progressing to diving and also rock fishing around most of the North Island's ledges once he could drive. In his late 20’s he progressed to game fishing from trailer boats but still enjoys getting out on the rocks occasionally. Over the years he has introduced and taught many people to fish and has enjoyed assisting many to catch trophy kingfish and their first marlin.
He has worked in a voluntary capacity with recreational fishing for the past 25 years. He is a foundation member of the NZ Land Based Game Fishing Club and has been a delegate to the NZ Sport Fishing Council for the past 25 years.
Richard served as Vice President of the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council for seven years and was President from 2008 until 2011. He has written for several fishing publications, is a New Zealand IGFA representative and also a media Spokesperson for LegaSea. Richard is a valuable Trustee due to his interest in fisheries management and his expertise in financial planning and risk management.
Terry Creagh
Terry served in the RNZN/RNZNVR and retired as a Lieutenant Commander and was awarded the V.R.D. In the 70’s through to the 90’s he owned a very successful clothing company employing 360 staff with an office in Hong Kong. On selling his company in 1995 he then established a vehicle security company which became the major importer, distributor and with 23 installation centres throughout NZ. He was appointed onto the NZ Security Association board and also elected as chairman of a special industry group.
Terry also completed 21 years as a volunteer senior deck officer with the Spirit of Adventure Trust. He spent 8 years on a rugby club board as delegate to North Harbour Rugby Union and 8 years on the North Harbour Rugby management board. Four years on another club board, was appointed North Harbour Rugby Liaison Officer, the Blues and then NZ Rugby Union for over 15 years to liaise with rugby teams and appointed by World Rugby in 2011 to liaise with Japan Rugby.
He has been on various volunteer boards, committees and trustee in governance roles, also being the club delegate to the Warkworth Game Fishing Club on the NZ Sport Fishing Council. Being very active with politicians, councillors, local boards on the Hauraki Gulf submissions in banning trawling and HPA’s in the Hauraki Gulf. A very keen and active boatie and fisher with his own launch called Buoy O Buoy. He brings to the NZ Marine Research Foundation a strong governance, leadership, communication, financial, marketing, business experience and volunteer organisations together with a strong interest in fisheries.
Dr Simon Hooker
Simon has a PhD in Marine Science and a Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from the University of Auckland. His marine biology background has been in researching the aquaculture development of various species, including oysters, clams, lobsters and abalone. He has spent many years sailing and diving in and around the Hauraki Gulf and northeastern New Zealand and is passionate about ensuring biodiversity and healthy oceans, now and for generations to come.
Having both formal qualifications in business and science and with more than 20 years’ experience in managing scientific research, firstly for the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) and more recently as General Manager Research and Innovation for New Zealand Winegrowers (NZW), Simon’s career has focussed on around using scientific research for lasting impact. Simon is passionate about ensuring that scientific research leads to practical outcomes and enjoys fostering collaboration and partnerships with stakeholders.
Dr Hooker enjoys spending his spare time sailing with his wife and family on their 44 ft X-yacht, Blue Oceans.
Rick Pollock
Rick Pollock was born and raised in Southern California, coming to New Zealand in the late 70’s. Being a keen fisherman it was only natural that he followed a career in fishing. While he engaged in both commercial and sport fishing charter work, it was the latter that won over and captured his attention over the final three decades of his active career.
During this time onboard two “Pursuits” he guided many anglers to numerous tournament wins and record catches, both National and World.
Being conservation minded throughout, he has been instrumental in several measurer such as the White Island Accord and finds his inclusion into the NZ Marine Research Foundation a good fit to continue in this trend. Helping to better understand and improve the marine environment in a sustainable fashion is his ongoing goal.
Pete Saul
Pete is a past President and Life member of the Whangarei Deep Sea Anglers’ Club. He has been the NZSFC Records Officer since 2006, was appointed an IGFA Representative for New Zealand in 2017 and has also been a Delegate on the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council Board.
He was employed by the Ministry of Fisheries in Whangarei from 1972 until 1997, at which time he and John Holdsworth formed Blue Water Marine Research, specialising in the area of marine recreational fishing and fisheries and contracting to the government and private organisations. Pete had a major hand in introducing the gamefish tagging programme into New Zealand in 1976 and administered it for the Ministry for many years.
In 1988 Pete purchased the charter vessel “Lady Jess” which he operated out of Tutukaka until 2017. Pete is an avid light and ultra-light tackle angler and greatly enjoys introducing new anglers to the thrill of marlin fishing through the ethical fishing approach advocated by the IGFA.
The New Zealand Marine Research Foundation also acknowledges and appreciates the contribution of all our previous trustees:
John Chibnall* (founding Chairman), Rob Dinsdale*, John Hough*, Norm Hudspith*, Bill Marshall, Garth Marsland*, Bill Reece, John Rae, Peter Short*, Gordon Traill*, Peter Davey